
ЛУЧШАЯ 5! Удивительно и шокирующе! Японский процесс массового производства и мастера.

BEST 5! Amazing and shocking! Japanese mass production process and craftsmen. 00:00 - The process of mass producing marine engine parts. Japanese factory forging with 8-ton hammers. 13:30 - The process of making a Japanese plane. A Japanese-style plane made by a 72-year-old blacksmith, his wife, and his younger brother. 28:16 - The process of mass producing airplane toys. A Japanese toy factory with 60 years of tradition. 36:42 - The process of making lures. An old lure factory in Japan. 50:19 - The process of making handmade jeans. A Japanese jeans craftsman who insists on handmade products.

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